Pioneer 2019 tough days. Made Better in Silversky Cycle Clothing

Pioneer 2019 tough days. Made Better in Silversky Cycle Clothing

Pioneer 2019 - Black Panther Bike Shorts

As I lie in my tent listening to the lambs crying in a far away paddock about how cold it is I know the bad bits will soon be forgotten, and the great memories will shine through.

Pick your team partner well for an event like this, it's a team you need to work together and understand each others strengths and weaknesses. Team Silversky Cycle have worked well this year...and improved.

We've had our lows, Jas falling on a log on day 2 with bruised or broken ribs and me breaking my handlebar on the Queen stage.

We've had mixed weather from hot to super cold. Dry and dusty to riding in humus. My teeth chattering as I had a shower on day 4 a worthy mention.

With two days to go we sit in 6th in the grade and 33rd in GC. Out of 375 teams it's a good effort...and still time to climb.

Final update when home...and thawed.

Posted: Wednesday 4 December 2019